Family holiday letters--mostly sarcastic, ironic, humorous--we hope.

Maybelle's First Annual Letter

Hey people,

This is Maybelle Preston here. It looks like my mom, Louise, is never going to get around to writing a holiday letter, so I guess it is up to me. She is too busy. When is she going to figure out that being and purring are more important than doing?

Purrrdon bad spelling as this keeboard weren't designed for cat paws to use.

Well, let's see, this year we moved from my kittenhood home in the woods to the big house in town. I miss my treehouse, but as I have put on a few pounds, it was gitten none too easy to jump from the roof to the treehouse. Or to climb down that tree neither. Once they figured out I needed my own private door, things got better. It took me one day to learn how to use my door, not like That Cat Jane, it took her a month to figger it out. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Now no more cold afternoons hunkering on the frosty roof, avoiding bear and bobcat. I can come in where it is warm any time I want to. Much better.

Well, here in town, there are a lot of barking dogs. Don't even ask me about the pups across the street, but they seem to stay on their side. More cars too, but they stay in the road. Also a lot more troublesome people coming to the house, and I have to hide and dodge em so I can survive.

When Ed went on his long arktik trip, they moved That Cat Jane here. I have tried to tolerate her as best I can, just so she knows I eat first and get the biggest share, everything will be ok. I guess she is going to stay, so might as well make the best of it. I am glad Ed came home and didn't get eaten by a bear like Louise was afraid he would. That man is nice. Also his voice is nice.

Mom is home a lot more now, since she works at home. That is good because I know she will protect me from all the dangerous people and animals. She does have some friends over, girls who talk to me in the sweet voice. Maybe people are not all bad, not sure, better think about that some more.

A low point in the year was when mom went backpacking for five days in the Sierras. Shirley stayed here and fed us. She doesn't know me, but does talk in the sweet voice. Mom talked for days about what a great time she had with her girlfriends and says she can't wait to go back to the high Sierra. I guess she doesn't realize that no girlfriend is as loyal as this girlfriend and I don't knead the stress.

Anyway, I have some serious napping to do, and me paws are getting sore on this keeboard.
Mom is excited about this new computer, but I don't see what the big deal is.

Mioawy Christmas and a Nappy New Year, May May

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Maybelle, I can totally relate to all the changes you have been thru. I too was a "streetcat" for years, although city, not country. I recently became totally "indoors" a couple of years ago. I feel like we are kindred spirits, I also have to deal with a "prima donna " who thinks she owns the place (psycho bitch) Anyway, do not have time to get into all of that, but if you would like to email I am available at Margaret's email add. take care, (I also have "people-phobia" ) so I know what you are going thru. Love Grayball.